About Us

AMITY-  "a friendly relationship"...
...is the exact experience we want you to have with your lash journey!! When entering the world of lashes, the many brands and styles may overwhelm one's judgement. Whether you are wearing lashes for the first time or the 100th time, it may be intimidating if you do not trust the product!  Amity Luxe Lashes is here to provide, not only, good quality lashes, but also a support system that will make your journey a breeze. Three years ago, when we began our lash journey, we did not have the sufficient resources to help us outline the best products or methods on how to apply lashes correctly and safely. After careful research and trial and error, we can now be your guiding mentors that will help you find the best pair of lashes while providing the best application practices regardless of your level of experience with lashes. Lashes help you explore new ways to enhance your confidence and style, something that they have done for us!  As a result of our experience we grew a desire to provide a product and service that is affordable and of good quality for anyone willing to enhance their beauty. Let us show you a peek at our world...you won't regret it!  As sisters, we learned that we are all beautiful!! Amity Luxe Lashes are the perfect accessory to showcase the beauty that already exists in all of us.